Sunday, December 9, 2012

Cup Cake Gift Card Holder

I've been so busy and not able to do a blog post. Tonight we went out to dinner with  friends and then to their Church Christmas Program. It was amazing, the singing, the skits and just being with friends. Thank you Patty!
Ok, now on to some crafty stuff......
Friday night a few of us from the Luv 2 Stamp group got together and had an evening of fun. We all brought something hand made and put it in a brown paper bag, stapled and then took turns picking out a bag and opening it in front of everyone. So much fun
This is what I brought for my gift. Can you guess whats inside the cupcake?

A Gift Card to Starbucks!

Pretty clever isn't it? I had one of my customers bring me a cup cake and asked me if I could figure it out.......Its pretty simple. The bottom is a dixie cup cut down about an inch, the top is a Styrofoam ball cut in half. The frosting is lots of different fabric, ribbon and paper ruffled. The cherry is one of those binder clips with a wooden ball hot glued to it. That's how the gift card can be lifted in and out. Carrie picked my gift, I think she liked it! 
Candlelight Christmas dsp, #126901

Candlelight Christmas Fabric, #126905



  1. Oh you're so clever Cindee!! This is darling!! Love it and I'm sure Carrie loved it too!! All the fabric/ribbon/paper you chose is beautiful!! Awesome gift! Thanks for all the wonderful projects!
