Monday, December 17, 2012

Merry Kissmiss!

I'm sure you've all seen these Trees, online. Here are mine!
I have made about 2 dozen of these trees. My husband has taken about a dozen to work. They are just so much fun to make. You can view QBee's video HERE!

Here is a close up. I made them all different. You know, you can find about a dozen different varieties of Hershey Kisses!

Here is how I packaged them up. Our Gusseted Bags work perfectly to package them up. I had some of Stampin' Up's! 1 1/4" Stripped ribbon left over. Sadly that ribbon is retired........

Then I added an ornament to the bow.

Couldn't of made my trees without my Simply Scored Board!


  1. They take a bit of time but are fun to make...think I made a mistake by wrapping in ribbon before I stuffed the Kisses in...but it worked and I think the ladies were pleased. Thanks for the encouragement!!!

  2. I've also made a dozen and was wondering how to wrap them - thanks for the suggestion! The pictures are cute, but in "person" they are really adorable and really very simple/straightforward to make.
    Thanks for sharing.
