Monday, December 2, 2013

Have You Ever Made Hjortebakkels?

No I didn't have my fingers on the wrong keys when I typed in Hjortebakkels! Sounds like, Yodabockels. They are Norwegian Donuts. So you know if they are donuts, they have to be yummy!

We have been going over to our good friends, the Moon Family every year for the past 25 plus years and making these yummy cookies. We share a meal together and then get rolling. They are sooooo good, but not so good on the hips, if you know what I mean. This is another Family Tradition.
Here we all are rolling the dough into a knot. You roll out the dough in a snake and then tie it in a knot. Easy peasy! On the cookie sheet they go.

You can see them ready to be fried, yep, they are deep fried. Isn't every thing that's fried good?

Right after they come out of the fry basket. That would be my husbands job. He is the "Head Frier".

And here they are, so yummy. So the cookies have, butter, cream, milk, eggs, flour, and Cardamom, and the longer you have them the better they get. I understand these make great "dunkers" in your coffee.....just sayin'.......
 When my Son was in Middle School, he was selling them by the baggy full. Of course we didn't know it at the time.....Michael will be 29 years old this month. We laugh about it now.......Do you have any "Family Traditions" at your house? 

Edited to add: Several of you have asked for the recipe to make these cookies. Unfortunately I don't have it. Judy makes the dough a head of time and we roll the cookies and tie them in a knot. This is a very old recipe that has been passed down and the measuring is from certain spoons, not measuring spoons. 


  1. One of my hubby's fave Christmas treats is a cardamom braid bread... i bet he would LOVE these!

  2. Your "cookie" is interesting. My mother and grandmother made a German cookie called a "lemon cracker". You have to go to the drug store and buy baking ammonia. You soak it in milk overnight and make the cookie the next day. You roll the dough out and prick it with a fork to let the "air" out. When it bakes you can smell the ammonia, but the smell leaves and you taste the lemon. Reminds me of animal crackers with a lemon favoring.

  3. Holiday greetings,

    Would you be willing to share the recipe so my family can make some too!!

  4. would you be willing to share the recipe so that my family may make some?
