Tuesday, October 25, 2011

And the Winner is..........Drum Roll, Please!

Karen D. She has won a Simply Sent Kit, Birthday Bakery stamp set & Designer Fabric Sweet Brads. I can't thank you enough for the wonderful comments you all made for my 25 & Counting Frame. I've never had 41 comments for one blog post before.
I love all of the ideas Karen shared, but my favorite one, is for the kids to get parts of an ornament and at the end to make up the ornament together. Now my grandkids are 6, 5, & 2 1/2 years old, so that probably won't be too exciting to them, but I still might do something like that. The girl's (5 & 6) love to come up in my craft room to make cards and color. I think candy was one item that was mentioned by most of you. These boxes are pretty small, so I'm also thinking that I could put notes inside for a little something they have to find, a few of you mentioned that as well.
Karen, don't forget to contact me with your snail mail address so I can send out your goodies! Contact me at: cindee@pacbell.net.
Many of you have asked where I purchased the frame. This is what I sent out to a couple of my Yahoo groups:
My frame came from Seaside Crafts, which is a bulk buy group that I belong to. They were only able to get a set amount of these frames, and have no more. I've heard thatyou could get them from JoAnn's, online but the shipping is horrible. I've had a couple of my customers look for them as well, with no luck. Theframes are made by Kaiser Craft in Australia. Their web site is: www.kaisercraft.com.au. The number is SB2066/ Advent Calendar. The frame is made of MDF so its heavy and has to beput together. You will need to sand, paint and decorate.
I also received this email from Linda Carrelli:
scrapbook.com shows them as "unavailable expected soon" there is hope!!!
I will also be sharing my tutorial that I have written up for my customers. This is very basic, with no individual photos, (since if forgot to take photos while I was creating the scene), but you will get the general idea of what I did. This will be FREE to all! Give me a couple of days to catch up from the week-end and I will post.
Edited to add: Diane Scuito just emailed me to say she just got notification that these frames are now at JoAnn's for $20.29, reg. $28.99, the shipping is terrible.......

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