Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Jesse Update/New Weekly Deals

Its been a while since I posted anything about Jesse our Springer Spaniel. He has grown by leaps and bounds (5 1/2 months old now). We were so excited when he got the last of his shots and we could take him for walks.........we'd get him all ready, (new halter), get to our front lawn and he wouldn't go any further. No amount of "cookies" was going to make him move. So everyday my husband has been taking him out trying to get him to walk. Still not moving......So we decided that we needed to take him somewhere else. So we load him into the car, first time he sat in the back by himself, (he's just too big for my lap now), he whined a little. We got to Black Diamond Mines (15 minutes from our house), get him out of the car, and pray he will walk. Success! We start walking and he LOVES it. Finally!! This past week-end we went on 2 walks a day. He will now walk in our neighborhood. Yeah!!
This is my husband giving Jesse a treat because he is being so good. Here are a couple more photos. The one of him laying down is a bit fuzzy, he didn't want to sit still. But you can see how big he is now. Still thinks he can get up into your lap....silly dog!

We've never had a dog this big before. We've had Cocker Spaniels. He is now bigger than Jeremy (our Cocker, who will be 15 years old on Thursday) and Walter (my son's Pug, 6 years old). Its hard to believe that he was the runt of the liter by looking at how big his feet are.....

Ok, now for the Weekly Deals:
These Deals good through Monday, May 12th.
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Weekly Deals are HERE! These deals good through, Monday, May 5th.

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  1. Jesse is so cute! My friend's dog never did walk outside. They used to call it taking him for a "drag".

  2. He is absolutely gorgeous! Springers have such a great personality. My friend's springer likes to have his feet massaged. When you are done with one, he gives you his other front paw abd expects you to continue! LOL!
