Monday, November 7, 2011

Spice Cake Wreath Class! So Much Fun!

Saturday I had my Wreath Class. This was my Fair Special, free class with product purchase. I had 5 people take advantage of the class. So this is my wreath.
Now check out Patty with her wreath. Here is a close up of her wreath. I love how she did the center of her medallions. Did you know that the 1 1/4" circle punch fits right inside the BIG Spice Cake buttons? Plus she die cut a bunch of flowers in the Spice Cake dsp. Added a few brads, some leaves from Gently Falling and her butterflies. Patty is the only one who totally finished up her wreath. The other gals had their medallions mostly done, but needed to glue them to their wreath bases. We used wire floral wreath bases from Joann's. I think they are $2.49 each.
Here is the rest of the gals in my class, Patty, Susan, Joy & Tammy.
And here is the beautiful mess we had. Seems like you never have enough room, no matter how much room you have to start with.......
Thanks Ladies for such a great afternoon! Did I mention? Patty is my upline and she came to MY class. She is such a great mentor to me! (and many others).


  1. This looks like so much fun and I love the colors you used for the wreath!

  2. love the wreath. you ladies did a beautiful job, thanks for sharing.

  3. Great wreaths!!! I am going to do one but probably later than sooner! Wonderful touches for the decorations and thanks for the inspiration! Fun to see familiar faces in your class - especially Patty and Joy!

  4. Oh I would of loved to be there! My designer paper should be here tomorrow!!! Would love to meet u and patti.


  5. I know you made these wreaths a WHILE ago, but when I saw it I had to ask how to attached them to the wire wreath base. I made a christmas one a few months ago and hot glued mine to the wire frame and now they are falling off! Any suggestions?
